Do you need free stickers for a project, your computer, or for your kids? There are areas you should look at to get them.
Stickers have diverse uses. They can be effective in personalizing items, decorating cars, water bottles, laptops, and can also serve as rewards for your kids. If you need free stickers, many companies will mail you if you simply ask them.
How Do I Get Free Stickers?
To get free stickers, it is vital to note that obtaining them varies from place to place. Most of them require that you make a free stickers request by filling necessary information in an online application, after which they will send you the stickers via mail.
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After filling out the required information for the stickers, you’ll also be asked to sign up for the company’s newsletter for more deals. But then, it’s your choice if you want to or not.
Some other platforms will demand that you send a stamped self-addressed envelope for your sticker. You’ll address and stamp the blank envelope. Leave it unsealed, put it inside another envelope with a stamp on it, address it to the company offering the stickers, and then, mail it.
Whichever way you choose to go about getting your free stickers, it is important that you input your complete mailing address – such as your zip code, city address, and other important information. If you drop a partial address, companies will find it difficult to search for the complete one.
Why Would A Company Send Me A Free Sticker?
Free stickers function as a marketing tool for most companies. Individual brands and companies are constantly looking out to broaden their reach and increase awareness of their products.
Stickers work nicely to achieve this.
So, when you receive free stickers from them and you display them, more people will know about it. This promotional method seems effortless, effective, and a win-win situation for both parties.
Free Stickers You Can Request Online
1. Saucony
Free Stickers From Saucony
Put in for a free Saucony sheet of stickers, you may receive a sheet with about eight vinyl stickers. Since these stickers are on the smaller side, they can be great for decorating your kid’s water bottle and filling other little spots.
Get free stickers on Saucony website here.
2. Southern Lure
Southern Lure makes casual clothing that is an inspiration for the coast. It retails a wide variety of shorts and t-shirts and also deals in different kinds of youth clothing. Send a self-addressed and stamped envelope and you’ll receive free stickers with the logo of the company included.
Check out the Southern Lure website.
3. Dakine
Dakine deals in pads, bags, backpacks, and other accessories for people who are into sports like snowboarding, skiing, and mountain biking. You’ll have access to free stickers that can be useful while on your sports equipment. Start by sending a self-addressed and stamped envelope to them.
Check out Dakine here.
4. The Southern Poverty Law
The Southern Poverty Law Center focuses on combating hatred and getting justice for vulnerable members of the community. They offer free stickers that promote their mission. You can get a free bumper sticker that has the mantra “Y’all means all”.
Visit this link to get yours.
5. Patagonia
Free Stickers From Patagonia
Patagonia allows you to request stickers every four months, and some reports claim that their stickers designs change often. So, you may receive different stickers upon each request. When filling out their request form on their website, put in a whole sheet of Patagonia stickers.
Check out Patagonia’s website to request.
6. BoardVitals
BoardVitals is an organization that supports medical practitioners in getting ready for exams related to their field. They seem to be out of stickers right now, but you should sign up to benefit from their giveaways in the future and also get stickers when they have them.
Check out the form here.
7. Punisher Skateboards
Punisher Skateboards trade boards at a very considerable price point and also protective skating equipment. They will send you free stickers that can be used in decorating your skateboard.
Fill in your free sticker’s form here.
8. Human Rights Campaign
When you sign up for the Human Rights Campaign, you’ll be permitted to request additional stickers as you want. But first, complete a form on the website and get a free equality sticker straightaway!
Check the Human Rights Campaign website to fill the form.
9. American Fishing Tackle
You’ll be offered free fishing-themed stickers after signing up for the newsletter of the American Fishing Tackle Company. You are very likely going to get them fast and of good quality. You’ll also receive a nice blue, red, and white color scheme.
Check on the American Fishing website here for free stickers.
10. Finimize
Finimize offers unique headlines and stories about the financial markets. According to them, you’ll get educated in about five minutes. And when you refer friends or members of your family, you’ll receive free stickers
Sign up here.
11. All Downhill
All Downhill is an organization that puts out shows covering politics, music, and philosophy. You can request free vinyl stickers by sending a message with a topic for discussion and that also explains how you have participated in sharing the show. However, because of limited supplies, there is no guarantee that you’ll receive your free stickers. But then, ensure to give it a try.
Visit this link for yours.
12. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
This organization aims at encouraging pet lovers and owners to protect their pets from possible future disasters. And an effort that is geared towards this is to provide window stickers to pet owners to pre-inform rescue personnel about the presence of a pet in your home.
Ask for yours here.
13. Hydro Flask Stickers
You’ll receive a sticker pack a few days after you send a self-addressed stamped paid envelope to Stickers, 1331 South Seventh Street, 2nd Floor, Chambersburg, PA 17201.
Visit Hydro Flask Stickers Offer here.
14. AriZona Beverages Stickers
While they do not have this published, many have shown success with this platform. Start by sending a SASE to AriZona Beverages, Attention: Free Sticker Request, 664 Linn Street, Suite 318, Cincinnati, OH 45203.
Check out their offer here
15. Annie’s
Free Stickers From Annie’s
Annie’s is a company that deals in organic food, and they give out stickers that feature its bunny mascot. Annie’s bunny stickers are large, fascinating, and colorful. To receive them, fill in a UPC code of an Annie’s homegrown product, and pick your favorite stickers.
Check out their website to request Annie’s free stickers.
16. Sticker You
This platform helps you create custom stickers for your personal needs. They also sell badges, temporary tattoos, magnets, and labels. You can get a sample set with a product catalog and different types of stickers by filling the form on their website.
Check here to fill a form.
17. American Farmland Trust
This platform offers bumper stickers to anyone interested in supporting farms and to join the #NoFarmsNoFood movement. Fill in a form to request your stickers.
Check out their site here.
18. Atoll Board Co
You should follow Atoll Board Company on their Instagram page and input promo codes for free stickers at checkout. They also revealed on their website that every pack is different with a minimum of four free stickers. Your kids will be eager to have them.
Request for your sticker here.
19. Simply Southern
Free Stickers From Simply Southern
Simply Southern has a short form that you are required to fill to request their free stickers. You can get ‘Live fully love simply’ graphics and some pretty colorful sea turtle stickers that give you that touch of uniqueness.
Check out their website to request their stickers.
20. Mobility Works
It can be a bit rough for wheelchair users to navigate in and out of their vehicles. So Mobility Works provides free stickers that notify other road users that you need more room for a lift or ramp.
Get yours by filling this form.
21. Keds
Free Stickers From Keds
Keds vinyl stickers may come with iconic Keds sneakers and other stickers. Try signing up on the platform, it’ll be fun to see what color of sneakers or type of stickers you end up with.
Get free Keds’ stickers from their website.
22. Obama Legacy Sticker
There is a limited edition for this sticker. Grab some by filling the form on the site. It represents a political organization and you are likely going to get so many mails and emails after signing up, but then, you do not have to donate.
Just visit the offer here.
23. Skip the Straw
Skip the Straw preaches that plastic consumption should be significantly reduced. If you share this belief, then give up your plastic straws and request free car stickers.
Check out their website to make your request.
24. Sierra Club
Free Stickers From Sierra Club
Sierra club allows interested individuals to sign up for their insider newsletter that comes twice a month. Occasionally the newsletters come with a link for a free, no-plastic sticker.
Subscribe to the Sierra Club Insider newsletter here.
25. Democracy for America
You can receive free stickers from Democracy for America to defeat corporate cash. They offer free “Billionaires Can’t Buy Me” stickers to any interested persons.
Get your free stickers here.
26. Southern Marsh
Free Southern Marsh Sticker
Southern Marsh offers about seven sticker designs which you can choose from after signing up. So, pick your favorite sticker for free, and it would also be sent to you for free.
Request for your Southern Marsh here.
27. Hook and Tackle
This is a store that deals in fishing apparel with UV sun protection. They sell shorts, jackets, t-shirts, hats, and several more. After signing up, you will receive free stickers which can be used in decorating your fishing gear.
Fill this form to get yours.
28. TNT Fireworks
You’ll be offered a free vinyl sticker, notepad, temporary tattoos, magnet, poster and membership after signing up. Join them here.
29. Together We Rise
Together We Rise focuses on giving children a better life. They put up a campaign to raise awareness of their goals through their free stickers.
Fill this form to get yours.
30. American Farmland Trust
When you fill out a quick and easy form on the website of the American Farmland Trust, you’ll be privileged to receive a free No Farms No Food bumper sticker which would be mailed to you.
Check out their website to request stickers.
31. Possible EOS Sticker Sheets
Possible EOS Sticker Sheets requires that you make a reasonable request via an email at [email protected]. Include your address and you will very likely receive little sticker sheets to help you customize your EOS lip balms.
Contact them to receive sticker offers here.
32. Keep Calm y Dream On
This public art campaign – Keep Calm y Dream On – focuses on celebrating blended culture on the Mexico-US border. The organization provides stickers to the public and when you request yours, you may be asked to make a donation. However, you can pick from a wide range of stickers they have.
Visit their site to get yours.
33. SweetWater Brewing Stickers
To become a member of the free sticker’s club, you only have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to SweetWater Brewing Company Attn: Sticker Club 195 Ottley Drive Atlanta, GA 30324.
Visit their website for your request.
34. The Hustle
The Hustle covers business and tech topics in their daily newsletter. So, you are very likely to find it interesting if you are into business or tech. You’ll receive free stickers after referring at least five friends to the platform.
Sign up here to get started.
35. Close the Camps
Close the Camps is an American organization that focuses on closing the border of the United States. They spread their messages through free stickers.
Check out their form to get yours.
36. Be More Stoked
If you are a photographer or artist, you’ll find this Cy Whitling website very appealing. Cy Whitling sells t-shirts with his art and provides a link on his site for free-sticker-request. To get yours, send an envelope that is self-addressed and stamped.
Visit his website to get started.
37. Coexist
Coexist preaches the importance of coexistence among believers of the diverse religions around. According to them, all religions have a common ground and should therefore coexist. So, if you share this belief, you can benefit from their sticker-offers. But you should be willing to donate $1 to help cover the cost of production.
Fill the form here.
38. Shake and Fold
What happens to the environment after you dry your hands with paper towels? It can portend future disasters for the environment if there are too many of them. So, Shake and Fold focuses on cutting down significantly on that by making it possible for anyone to dry their hands with just a single paper towel. They offer free stickers for supporters.
Claim yours by filling the form here.
39. Stretch Logic
This organization sells equipment that helps stretch out the earlobes of its users. Send your request for stickers by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to them. Another way to get stickers is to buy something from their site.
Get started here.
40. Livin Foundation
The Livin Foundation offers powerful messages with their #livin stickers. They try to promote a positive life, cut down on stigma connected to mental illness and depression and in the end, prevent suicides. They offer free stickers to promote their mission.
Get yours here.
41. Element
Free Sheet of Element Stickers
Element offers pretty nice stickers you can use in decorating school supplies, skateboards, water bottles, or anything you’d like to personalize.
Check here to get yours.
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